Ideal for all seasons! Modern tricycle TRIKE FIX V3 for children aged 1-6 years. Excellent way to actively spend leisure time. great as the first children's bike. In addition, it can successfully replace the stroller. Children grow quickly, but this is not a problem - the bike TRIKE FIX V3 will grow with your child. Smaller children can ride a bicycle with their feet on the supports, older children can pedal independently. You can turn the saddle so that the child is facing you. It is equipped with a two-point safety belt and handrails, which will ensure the safety of the child and prevent him from falling.
the bike is designed for children aged 1-6 years
non-pressure wheels
locking the rear wheel brakes
rear axle shock absorber
pull-out handle for parents
removable shopping bag
adjustable handle on handlebars
folding canopy with mesh to keep the child under supervision.
adjustable backrest
removable handle for easy seating of the child
2-point safety belt
foam seat cover
footstools for babies 9-15 months
folding footrests for children from 1 to 3 years
anti-slip pedals if your child wants to pedal (2-6 years).
360° swivel seat-allows you to position the child in the direction or against the direction of travel at the touch of a button.
rear wheels with a diameter of 26 cm, front wheel with a diameter of 30 cm
attractive, robust, modern design
combines the characteristics of a stroller and a bicycle
Adjustable backrest
Comfortable adjustable backrest will increase the comfort of your child during the trip. When the baby falls asleep, you can lower the backrest.
360°swivel seat
This function allows you to turn the baby forward or backward. Especially useful for smaller children.
Functional roof with window
The bike has a practical canopy that protects your child from rain and sunlight. The roof has a mesh window through which you can watch what your child is doing. The canopy can be easily folded and disassembled or completely removed.
Anti-slip pedals
Strong and durable plastic pedals with protrusions allow you to pedal without the child's shoes slipping.
Rear wheel lock
The bike is equipped with a rear wheel lock. Activating the lock will prevent the child from riding a bicycle.
Tricycle height: 109 cm
Height of backrest: 45 cm
Seat height from the ground: 39 cm
Front wheel diameter: 30 cm
Rear wheel diameter: 26 cm
Package height (cm): 34
Package length ( cm): 71
Packing width (cm): 40
Color: grey